Tüm ürünlerimiz
It is an iodine solution known for its combination of pure elemental iodine and potassium iodide. Lugol's Solution, which has a wide range of uses in health, laboratory and industrial areas, stands out with its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties....
Testonic Test Kits and Chemicals Cell Staining SolutionsDeveloped for dyeing viscose fabrics or yarns, soft-strength alkaline with buffer character.Viscos are worn out from with soda washing.Caustic-containing alkalis significantly weaken the strength of viscose fibers....
Colin Chemicals Textile Chemicals Dyeing AuxiliariesIt measures the alkalinity of hydroxyl (OH-), bicarbonate HCO3-, carbonate (H2COO3) in water. With this set, measurements can be made in natural waters, well waters, after purified natural waters. It is titrimetric, it makes the measurement dependi...
Testonic Test Kits and Chemicals Water Analysis KitsIt is an ideal solution for studies requiring high-level R&D. These test kits are comprehensive tools that can be used in critical processes such as production of equivalent products, new product development, and determination of residue-release properties....
Testonic Test Kits and Chemicals Chemical Kits